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Our Nurse Advocates partner with doctor's offices, birthing centers, and hospitals in and around Dallas, Texas, to come alongside women in the initial stages of miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss, all while maintaining patient confidentiality. Our goal is to bridge the gap in healthcare so mothers feel seen, heard, and continually cared for by their healthcare providers during a traumatic and lonely time. 

For miscarriages | Our Nurse Advocates make follow-up phone calls and do postpartum depression screens post miscarriage. They accompany her on any future OB/GYN visit at the mother's request. 


For stillbirths | Our Nurse Advocates come to the hospital while the mother delivers,* help the mother and her family make memories with her baby, and help with funeral arrangements as needed. They also do follow-up phone calls and do postpartum depression screens post birth.


For infant loss | Our Nurse Advocates accompany the mother to any doctor appointments* in preparation for the birth of their infant with a terminal illness, go to the hospital when the mother delivers,* and help make funeral arrangements as needed. They also do follow-up phone calls and do postpartum depression screens post birth. 

All mothers are given some form of gift to honor and remember their infant, and all mothers are given materials relating to their loss and the grieving process.


Unspoken Motherhood is a nonprofit and operates by donation only. All services are provided free of charge for all patients. We have agreements with several medical providers in the Dallas area and are always looking to connect with more. Likewise, if you know someone who is in the hospital delivering a stillborn baby or an infant with a terminal illness, you may contact us to come alongside them in the hospital.



*Nurse Advocates from Unspoken Motherhood do not take the place of the nurses and other medical professionals in hospitals, doctor's offices, and birthing centers. They provide emotional support and advocate for the mothers and their infants but do not provide physical care during delivery or for the mother.

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