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Meet Our Team

Learn more about the people behind Unspoken Motherhood below.


Rachel Most, RN, MABC

President, Founder, Director

Rachel is a Registered Nurse and has her master's degree in Biblical Counseling from Dallas Theological Seminary.


She has had three miscarriages and two stillborn sons, Promise and Emmanuel. Her husband Paul is her biggest supporter and together with their four living children, they remember and celebrate the gift that life is, even the short lives of their sons/brothers.


Rachel's passion is to give the "too short" lives of these five children continued purpose using her skills and experience to come alongside mothers who go through the similar trauma of losing a baby. She desires to make them feel seen, heard, remembered, and cared about by their health care providers.

Rachel Doyle

Director, Treasurer

Rachel brings her personal and professional experience to her role as a member of the Board of Directors for Unspoken Motherhood.  


She is a finance professional with a heart for engaging work that supports women.


Rachel’s own early miscarriage and death of her husband four years later contribute to her deeply-held belief in honoring loss and her understanding of the important work of walking with women as they navigate their way forward.

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Kaysha Paradis, RN


With over 20 years in emergency medicine, Kaysha believes in passionately advocating for our patients and their families.

Unspoken Motherhood is an organization whose mission is putting empathy, compassion, and advocacy back into hospital systems.  They provide a nurse advocate to walk alongside families as they go through their darkest days.

Terri Ward


Terri has been in ministry for over a decade. Her heart is to serve the helpless and the hurting with compassion and care. After catching a glimpse of the unfathomable pain and emptiness a family experiences following the birth of a beloved stillborn child, she eagerly came on board at Unspoken Motherhood, knowing that it will be providing a greatly needed service at such a critical time for each family.

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Candice Scatliff

Director, Secretary

Candice has a heart for coming alongside women with the love of Jesus, reaching them where they are at, and being present with them in their pain of losing a baby. Her son Samuel was born still the same week as Rachel Most's son Emmanuel (also born still), and it is because of Samuel that they were connected. Samuel's story is influential in why Unspoken Motherhood exists, because Candice received specific bereavement care while she labored and delivered which made a traumatic experience just a little less lonely. 


Candice's husband Tom has two brothers (James and Marc) who were also born still, so when their son Samuel was born they knew some things that were important to their family that they also wanted to do for their own son. Together with their four living sons they celebrate the life of Samuel and the place he has in their family and their hearts.

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